Wednesday, May 16, 2007

What I learned in kindergarten

In Kindergarten I learned how to do math and write. I learned how to count to 100. I learned that it has to be 100 degrees to hatch a egg. I learned how to spell. Luke, 5

In kindergarten I learned how to rit and I learned how to red. I learned how to be in aredist. Tyler, 6

I learned how to play. Faith, 6

I learned to red and maf and I learrned the ABCs and 123s. Hugh, 6

I learned to reed and the wrd red. Keelyn, 5

I learned huw to rit and to red and math and to cownt to 100 and wrds. Colin, 5
I learned math. I learned reding. I learnned to shut duon the computer. Mikey, 5

I techd evrone to spel poop. I lrnd to stik my tung out. I lrnd how to say the pleg. I lrnd how to do mash. I lrnd how to red and riit. And I lrnd webkinz. Abby, 6

In kindergarten I learned how to do math and write and draw. I learned to be nic. I learned how to tipe on the compter. Rachael, 6

I learned how to rit and rad. I learned how to cont. I like to fed Holly and Lucy. Stephanie, 5

I learned how to red and rut. Corbin, 5

I learned how to rit and I love to rit. Kylie, 6

I learned my letrs. Sarah, 5

I learnd how to count to 100 and math and I learned about chickens and spiders. I learnd how to read and write. Wyatt, 6.