Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Thanks for a great year!

Sadly, this year has come to an end. I will miss all the students and I hope everyone has a great summer. I want to thank all the students and parents for a great year. All the students made so much progress this year. Parent involvement and support makes a huge difference in your child's learning. Thank you for sharing your child's first year of school with me!
Please leave a comment and let me know what you think about this site. If you have any suggestions for things to be added or deleted, please comment and let me know.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

What I learned in kindergarten

In Kindergarten I learned how to do math and write. I learned how to count to 100. I learned that it has to be 100 degrees to hatch a egg. I learned how to spell. Luke, 5

In kindergarten I learned how to rit and I learned how to red. I learned how to be in aredist. Tyler, 6

I learned how to play. Faith, 6

I learned to red and maf and I learrned the ABCs and 123s. Hugh, 6

I learned to reed and the wrd red. Keelyn, 5

I learned huw to rit and to red and math and to cownt to 100 and wrds. Colin, 5
I learned math. I learned reding. I learnned to shut duon the computer. Mikey, 5

I techd evrone to spel poop. I lrnd to stik my tung out. I lrnd how to say the pleg. I lrnd how to do mash. I lrnd how to red and riit. And I lrnd webkinz. Abby, 6

In kindergarten I learned how to do math and write and draw. I learned to be nic. I learned how to tipe on the compter. Rachael, 6

I learned how to rit and rad. I learned how to cont. I like to fed Holly and Lucy. Stephanie, 5

I learned how to red and rut. Corbin, 5

I learned how to rit and I love to rit. Kylie, 6

I learned my letrs. Sarah, 5

I learnd how to count to 100 and math and I learned about chickens and spiders. I learnd how to read and write. Wyatt, 6.

Sunday, May 13, 2007

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Friday, May 4, 2007

When I grow up...

When I grow up I wont to be Sooprman becuse I wont to fli. Jared, 5

I wont to be a policeman becuse I can erst pepl. Tyler, 6

I want to be a rme gi bekos I want to shot guns. Colin, 5

I want to be the President because I want to end the war. Luke, 5

When I grow up I want to be a vetunairyin because I think it is fun. So I askt my Mom and she said yes. Rachael, 6

When I grow up I want to be a bildr because I want to werk 4 my dad. Hugh, 6

When I grow up I want to be a pilot because I want to fli. Mitchell, 6

When I grow up I want to be a ballerina. I love being a ballerina because it is fun bellerinas are grat and thea are prte. I love ballerinas. Kylie, 6

I w to b a truck driver and actor. Sarah, 6

I love to be a policeman. I am a rle good grl. Keelyn, 5

I want to be a hairstylist like my mom. Kira, 5

I wot to be a teacher becuss tha tech class. It is fun. I like it. I rile like ben a techr. Abby, 6

I wot to be a teacher wen I gro up. I wil tec. I wil tec reting. Hailee, 5

When I grow up I want to be a President. I will get a cooke. Mikey, 5

I wot to be a store worker because my mom works at the Omish frnichr store. She got a job thar. Olivia, 5

When I grow up I want to be a paleyintollogist because they find dinosor bones! Wyatt, 6

When I grow up I am guna wrk for the rme. I wil bild guns. Cameron, 5

When I grow up I want to be a policeman. Remi, 6

I E m g be a fireman. Jeremiah, 6

I wot to be a nrs. Stephanie, 5

I want to be a cop. Corbin, 5

I want to be a vatnren. Joelle, 6

I want to be a fireman. Alec, 5

I want to be a mom. Faith, 6

Thursday, May 3, 2007


Kindergarten is a great place to be!